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Discussion 1_World History II

Discussion 1_World History II

Q #1) Choose any one trade good discussed in Chapter 13 to describe, and explain its significance for the development of any one early modern empire. Optional, also comment on the following: What do you think are some of the most important items traded in today's world, and why? What do you think might be some of the most important trade items as we move into the future, and why? #2) Based primarily on the visual sources at the end of chapter 13, but also perhaps on the film ("Age of Plunder") and/or text (chapter 13 in Strayer), In what different ways did the possession of foreign trade goods (choose one or provide general commentary, as you like) convey status in the early modern world? Who benefitted the most from the increased availability of these goods? (Who did not benefit?) Optional, also comment on the following: To what extent do material goods convey status today? How much, if at all, have things changed and in what ways have they changed (or not)?

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Among various goods that were important, Sugar was the most important one in the development of the early modern empires. Sugar was one product that was used worldwide. Sugar had many uses particularly in Europe. Europeans used it as a “medicine, a spice, sweetener, preservative, etc.” (Strayer, 567) In fact, the demand of sugar was high in Europe. So the Europeans brought these sugar from Mediterranean where lies its origin and then sell it to Americas. At the beginning, the Portuguese dominated the sugar trade but French, Dutch and many more also came to the same level and as competition rose, the value of sugar dropped as almost everyone can produce sugar better than the previous one.